Client: Barangaroo Delivery Authority
Environment & Planning for Barangaroo Headland Park and Nawi Cove 2010-2011 involving:
- Environmental support to those responsible for the design and construction of the Barangaroo Headland Park.
- Planning support for documents for project approval including Part 3A Environmental Assessments and Response to Submissions Reports
- Preparation of Preliminary Construction Environmental Management Plans
- Liaison with multiple NSW Government agencies and City of Sydney Council
Planning Approvals Manager 2014 to 2015 involving:
- Engagement and oversight of contractors preparing documentation for Barangaroo Concept Plan Modification 9 at Central Barangaroo and Headland Park. This development involved proposals for 120,000m2 of Gross Floor Area (GFA) for mixed use, up to 5,000m2 of GFA for community and active uses and up to 18,000m2 of GFA for the cultural facility within the built form of Headland Park.
- Management of the environmental assessment and submissions report for the Harbour Control Tower demolition.
- Planning advice and input for project modifications including the Section 96(2) modification to the approval State Significant Development (SSD12_5374) – Barangaroo Central Waterfront Promenade and Interim Public Domain Works.
- Liaison with Transport for New South Wales to identify options for the establishment of a station for the Sydney Metro network.