Client: Vopak Terminals Sydney Pty Ltd
The professional relationship with Vopak Australia dates back to their entry to Australia in the early 1990s. Recent projects include:
Environmental Assessment to Modify the Bulk Liquids Facility at Port Botany 2013- 2018
- The Section 75W Modification involved an environmental assessment and response to submissions report for the $25 million proposal to modify a Project Approval for the Vopak Site B Bulk Liquids Storage Facility and Associated Infrastructure including:
- Site assessment and surrounding context, project need and justification and alternatives considered.
- Identifying and evaluating all matters affecting or likely to affect the environment and assessment of the impacts of the modification.
- Responding to matters raised by the Department of Planning and Environment (DP&E) and Statutory Authorities in the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs)
- Consultation with NSW Ports, Randwick City Council, Environment Protection Authority, WorkCover NSW and Roads and Maritime Services.
- Developing management and mitigation measures to minimise potential environmental impacts identified.
- Review of Environmental Factors for Bitumen Facility at Port Botany 2011 – 2012
Preparation of a Review of Environmental Factors and Submissions Report under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) to consider the impacts associated with the proposed development of a $25 Million bitumen import and distribution facility. This included assessment of:
- the impact of storage and heating facilities for bitumen products in three 10,000m3 tanks, ship receipt facilities, pipeline to Bulk Liquids Berth No.1; and facilities for loading to bitumen road tankers.
- air quality, noise, hazard and risk, hydrology and soils, groundwater, waste and traffic and transport. Other environmental factors considered included ecology, visual amenity, heritage impacts, socio-economic impacts and cumulative impacts.